Click here to go to Basic Beats podcast in iTunes. there you can decide for yourself if you want to subscribe and provide
positive ratings.
Basic Beats is Back! Now Podcasting on itunes!!!
Check out the Basic Beats podcast on itunes. Deep, soulful, techy, funky house music. You'll get to hear the latest sounds making
their mark on the Southern California House scene mixed by our residents and guests.
Podcasting feels like going back to some of our roots in radio and is proving to be a very exciting and fun way to connect
with our fans. Now you can easily take our mixes to the gym, your car, work and your parties.
Please pass this on, forward, tell your friendster (remember that one?), myspace, facebook, twitter, and real friends.
For your convenience, especially if you can't podcast, check for downloadable mixes on the DJ's pages and on the downloads
Welcome to the home of Simply Entertainment on the Web!
The latest changes:
Dr No will be rocking da house again soon. Jorel and Rudy have some parties lined up, we're doing a mountain campout
party soon! We have a lot of mixes to post, so get on the mailing list so you can stay informed.
To get on future guest lists and get the latest party information ASAP, e-mail djdrno@gmail.com
More mixes in higher quality than ever before! Download CD quality MP3 40minute-90minute mixes today!
Great for your ipods and digital music players.
Latest mixes:
Go to the downloads page or follow the link to itunes. For downloads on PCs, right click and "Save Target As", the rest
is easy. For Macs, they figure it out for you they're so good. Enjoy and let us know where you're listening to them.
Simply Entertainment has been your regular provider of underground
dance music in the Los Angeles area for 8 years. Check out more in "About us"
We have events in the pipeline all the time. Get on our e-mail list and
we'll keep you up to date of the latest events and calendars. You can also just simply keep checking this website for the latest happs, downloadable music and streaming audio.
We're all about the music and we live it. Check it out, experience it live.